Post by NotACat on Jun 11, 2012 9:49:05 GMT -5
Does anybody know how to ask this forum system to send an email notification when a new thread is added to a board? This would make it possible to know when a new chapter is added to stories I follow...
I have a suggestion about formatting, and I would like to know whether it is possible for stories being hosted here, because having the "story being read" shown in bold does not always work very well for me, particularly if the author is being "clever" with putting quote marks around it (presumably to show that somebody is reading the lines out loud) which can result in multiple quote marks stacking up next to each other.
I would like to suggest the possibility of using the "blockquote" tag to indent the original text on both sides, like so:
I have a suggestion about formatting, and I would like to know whether it is possible for stories being hosted here, because having the "story being read" shown in bold does not always work very well for me, particularly if the author is being "clever" with putting quote marks around it (presumably to show that somebody is reading the lines out loud) which can result in multiple quote marks stacking up next to each other.
I would like to suggest the possibility of using the "blockquote" tag to indent the original text on both sides, like so:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin aliquet lectus quis lorem viverra non volutpat ligula auctor. Fusce egestas sagittis elit, at sollicitudin elit auctor faucibus. Duis malesuada, eros a sagittis vulputate, massa velit dignissim dolor, in ultricies orci felis ut ante. Integer nec porttitor justo. Donec tincidunt tristique urna eget tempor. Fusce eget condimentum felis. Praesent aliquet eleifend dolor ac gravida. Nullam posuere ligula non odio imperdiet vitae tristique lectus semper. In tristique lorem varius orci suscipit accumsan. Sed congue metus eget tortor condimentum sodales. Aliquam vel orci mi. Etiam facilisis nunc in sem pellentesque eu hendrerit dui placerat. Morbi arcu leo, imperdiet nec pharetra pulvinar, tempus fringilla odio. Mauris consectetur ullamcorper libero a placerat.and separate it from the comments of those hearing the story.
Cras bibendum, lorem non consectetur semper, lacus quam mollis augue, et viverra nibh est vitae magna. Curabitur blandit, sapien ac viverra mattis, felis lacus volutpat quam, nec posuere turpis elit egestas lectus. Fusce eget ipsum id urna volutpat sagittis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam sem turpis, iaculis id rutrum eu, accumsan nec lorem. Nunc scelerisque lacus eu lectus posuere at venenatis purus tempor. Pellentesque imperdiet mauris quis leo adipiscing ut suscipit purus blandit. Sed sed nunc turpis. Proin nec tortor ut nulla eleifend pharetra sit amet at elit. Aenean placerat malesuada tortor eget vulputate. Morbi nisl augue, euismod fermentum imperdiet sit amet, posuere et nisl. In ac ligula tempus tellus laoreet condimentum.